The project partners all have expertise either in in-service teacher education, pre-service teacher education or thinking skills project development and management.
Project partners and participants were chosen based on the range of skills and experience that they could bring to the project. This was important so that the project aim to provide a rich and comprehensive set of assessment tools could be realised. Roles across all activities were allocated based on expertise and capacity to deliver. This included project management, expert practitioner, tutor/trainer, and administrative roles.
The University of Lincoln project lead provided expertise in project management and project administration. The Let’s Think Forum and the TA Group provided expertise in pre-service and in-service teacher development, through its expert practitioners, as well as a wealth of experience in terms of developing and managing international thinking skills projects and European funded projects.
The University of Turku has a similar skill-set to the TA Group but provided a higher education teacher education perspective in terms of research and the development of thinking skills using the subject embedded, non-intervention Thinking Approach.
The partner schools provided expertise in developing and testing the different assessment tools and in offering support for inexperienced teachers in using the tools.